Thursday, August 30, 2007

Deer outside my door

I so tried to get a pic of this, but nothing came out right since it was getting dark out :(
When I was putting clothes in the hamper on our back porch/laundry room, I heard something at our gate, so I opened the back door, and saw a family of deer right outside our fence. I immediately got Travis and Mace (Lex was already asleep), and we watched for a few seconds. I couldn't figure out why one of the deer was trying very hard to get into our yard until I looked over to my left at our apple trees. Eureka! They were looking for something to eat. Travis quietly walked to the trees and threw several apples over the the deers (Mace even got one good throw in). We quietly went back inside and peeked out the window at the deers munching away. Sometimes, it really is cool to live up in the "wilderness."


Anonymous said...

How cool! They may be back for more apples and John says they would probably jump the fence to get them. That's one way to get rid of your fallen apples. How many deer were there in this family?

Melissa S said...

Hi Amy..I hope you don't mind me checking out your is me melissa from (Melissa S)

He He...we have deer that sleep in our backyard everynight...and we live pretty close to the is is this family of deer..they are so comfortable back there that even if we go outside they stay put. have a great day!

Anonymous said...

It is certainly interesting for me to read that blog. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.