I'm so excited! Mace and Lex FINALLY played together this morning (and I mean together, not side-by-side)!
Travis brought this big box home from work the other day, and Mace started playing with it right away. He's been playing a game called "Back from MI." Basically, he lays down in the box and I close the lid. The I say something like, "I wonder what's in this big package?" Then Mace pops out and says, "It's me, back from Michigan!"
Well this morning, Lex decided to join him in the box. They both got inside and laid down. Then I closed the flaps and said my part. Both boys popped out on cue! It was so cute!
Made my heart full of happiness!
Good to see the boys having fun together in that box!
Send that box back to MI with my guys inside!!
Good to see them playing together
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