Monday, September 29, 2008

Mace turns 5

Okay, I am, once again, behind! Thought I'd better get these pics of Mace on his actual birthday up before September ends. Since his birthday was on a Tuesday, we just had a few gifts for him to open in the morning. It also happened to be his class' first field trip to the local library for "story hour" that day. I, naturally, volunteered to help, and we had ice-cream sandwiches for Mace's birthday when we got back to his classroom. Happy birthday Mace!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Birthday Party

We held Mace's 5th Birthday last Saturday, the 13th (my actual birthday), and I am finally posting some pcs from it! Mace had a great time this year! He loved the Star Wars and Indiana Jones games we came up with, and the Transformers' Pinata was a
big hit (no pun intended). Mace totally loved his cake, and his was quiet expressive in opening all of his gifts (thanks everyone)! The funniest part was when all the kids opened their goodie bags and discovered their "Billy-Bob" teeth! Enjoy :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SF or bust!

Okay, we've had a super busy week with lots to blog about, so I'll take our adventures one-day-at-a-time here! Last Wednesday, Lex and I left for our first ever trip with just the two of us to SF. To make the ride there as least stressful as possible, we stopped at my old teaching school for a walking break and then at a Burger King with an inside play land for lunch. That was perfect timing, as he took a nap until just about 20 minutes out of SF. We met Aunt Mary and Uncle Alan there, and took of for the Pier where Lex was hoping to catch some Sea Lions with his "fishing pole." As you can see, he loved watching the Sea Lions, riding the Carousel and Trolley, and frolicking in the Bay with Aunt Mary (naturally he loved Aunt Mary and Uncle Alan too). It was a great little road trip for us!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Okay, so I'm a couple days behind in posting this since these pics where taken on Saturday (post for the reason for the delay will be up soon); but here is Mace and his friend/classmate/soccer teammate playing pirates before going to their soccer game on Saturday (sidebar: Mace scored another GOAL)! Isn't she so pretty :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Had a hotter day today, so the boys cooled off in the sprinkler!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All boy!

Lex is definitely all boy! They have been cutting trees down like crazy around here, and when we went for our walk on the trails today, Lex discovered that with tree-cutting come mounds and mounds of dirt! I kid you not when I say that boy plopped right down in the dirt, rolled around, and even made dirt angels-UGH! Needless to say, clean-up wasn't as much fun for the poor little guy (take note of the dirt still around his nose in the clean picture). How did I end up with two boys again? :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ah, September, must be birthday time!

Okay, Travis celebrated the first of our September birthdays today (a young 32 years old)! We had butterscotch pudding to celebrate! If you're wondering where the gifts are: the boys made him pictures and I surprised him by finishing up some around the house projects (my back is telling me I should've just bought him something right about now)!Happy Birthday Travis!